
Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Making Ginger Beer

 Aim: I want to know how to brew ginger beer.



How to brew alcohol

How to brew ginger beer



  • Ginger  (source of sugar)
  • Warm water
  • Yeast
  • Cup
  • Spoon


  1. Get the equipment.
  2. Put 1 tablespoon of ginger in the cup.
  3. Half fill the cup with warm water.
  4. add 1 teaspoon of yeast.
  5. Mix it all together.
  6. Leave it to ferment for one week.
  7. After one week, taste it.
Taste: It lost its sweetness and smells like ginger, the tang was like alcohol, in conclusion, it tasted bad.


What is fermentation: Fermentation is from yeast eating sugar which releases Carbon dioxide and alcohol.
What is the difference between whiskey vodka wine, beer: Whiskey (Grain), Wine (Grapes), Vodka, (Potato), Beer (Hops).

Reading Plus Progress Report 36


Reading Plus Progress Report

My name:


What went well today:

A book about Olympics and an English legend

What I found difficult today:


What my goal is for next time:

Getting my next combo

Monday, 29 November 2021

Reading Plus Progress Report 35


Reading Plus Progress Report

My name:


What went well today:


What I found difficult today:


What my goal is for next time:

Improving my G rate

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Reading plus progress report 34


Reading Plus Progress Report

My name:


What went well today:

A book about weddings

What I found difficult today:

A book about soccer

What my goal is for next time:

Earning a combo

Monday, 22 November 2021

Reading PLus PRogres report 33


Reading Plus Progress Report

My name:


What went well today:

A book about ginseng

What I found difficult today:

A book about india

What my goal is for next time:

Improving my G rate

Friday, 19 November 2021

Healthy Food For a Week

Hello, this slideshow is about what healthy food I will have for a week.

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Red Cabbage Indicator

 Aim: I want to find out how red cabbage can tell if a liquid is an acid or a base.




  • Red Cabbage
  • Large Beaker
  •  Acid (Hydrochloric Acid)
  •  Base (Sodium Hydroxide)
  • Eyedropper
  • Test Tube (6)
  • Warm Water

  1.  Wash your hands.
  2.  Get your equipment.
  3. Put warm water in the beaker.
  4. Rip red cabbage into very small pieces.
  5. put the red cabbage into the beaker.
  6. Mix.
  7. fill eyedropper with the red cabbage water and add three drops into each test tube.
  8.  The liquid has to be below half.
  9. Add some base or acid and try to make different colors.
Photos Or Videos of Experiment.
I didn't get any videos because I had to leave early so I will add an internet photo.

Red Cabbage Indicator Colors : Chemistry Experiment for Kids to do at Home  - YouTube

What is an acid and a base?
An acid is a contributing product containing hydrogen ions. Now the solution contains more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions. That form of solution is acidic. A foundation is a material capable of consuming hydrogen ions. As a base is dissolved in water the equilibrium between hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions changes in the opposite direction.
What do chemical indicators do?
chemical indicator, any substance that gives a visible sign, usually by a color change, of the presence or absence of a threshold concentration of a chemical species, such as an acid or an alkali in a solution. The common application of indicators is the detection of endpoints of titrations.

Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Reading PLus progress report 33


Reading Plus Progress Report

My name:


What went well today:


What I found difficult today:


What my goal is for next time:

Improving my G rate

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Making Sherbet

Aim: I want to find out how to make Sherbet.




  • Citric Acid
  • Raro Powder
  • Baking Soda
  • Plate
  • Popsicle Stick


  1. Wash your hands
  2. Get Equipment
  3. Put powders on the plate
  4. 20% Citric Acid, 30% Baking Soda, 50% Raro Powder into one area.
  5. Taste the Sherbet.
  6. If there is too much baking soda, add more citric acid.
  7. If there is too much citric acid, add more baking powder.
  8. If it doesn't taste good, enhance it with Raro powder
  9. (Option) Let your friend taste it.
  10. (Option) Keep it, Probably don't keep it for too long.
I didn't get a photo so I will explain how mine tasted like.
It tasted super sour and super sweet. 🤩🤩🤩


Why did the sherbet not foam on the paper but it did in your mouth?
Because it was dry.

What was the chemical reaction of the sherbet?
The chemical reaction creates a fizzing feeling in your mouth because of your liquid which was your saliva.
What type of chemical reaction is this?
A neutralisation reaction.

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

reading plus orogress rperot 32


Reading Plus Progress Report

My name:


What went well today:


What I found difficult today:


What my goal is for next time:

Improving my G rate

Monday, 8 November 2021

Reading Plus Progress Report 31


Reading Plus Progress Report

My name:


What went well today:

A book about Tony Hawk    .

What I found difficult today:

A book about being careful what you wish for.

What my goal is for next time:

Improving my G rate

SCary CLowN

What is his name: He has no name because he doesn't need one
What does he like to do: Be a dumbass
What is his age: 1 because he acts like he is
Does he have friends: No
what is his last name: He also has no last name
First, he was born from nothing. He was born in a sewer and while here he was there he saw a kid and the kid dropped a ship into his sewer. The kid came to him and he was about to give his ship back then ate him instead.

Thursday, 4 November 2021

Blind Taste Test

 Aim: I want to find out if the food tastes different when you can't see or smell.




  • Food
  • Popsicle stick
  • Blindfold/Mask. The easy way to make a blindfold is to get glasses and a paper towel
  1. Get your equipment
  2. Wash your hands
  3. Put on your blindfold
  4. Pinch your nose
  5. Get your food and eat it.
  6. Unblock your nose.


mysteryFirst TasteLast TasteFood Guess
Sweet middlesweet with soursugar
Salty Front Tonguecrunchysalt
Bitter Back TongueSweet And fruitybaking powder
Sour side tongueYummycitric acid
Hard then softpickle
crunchyraw potato
Hard then softapple
burger ring


How do you taste food:
The taste buds pick up clues about how food tastes and send messages about it to your brain along special wires called nerves. To taste something properly, you need to chew food into small pieces and have a lot of drool, or saliva. This helps the flavor molecules (also known as “tastants”) reach your taste buds.
What are the different taste buds of our tongue: Taste buds contain the taste receptor cells, which are also known as gustatory cells. The taste receptors are located around the small structures known as papillae found on the upper surface of the tongue, soft palate, upper esophagus, cheek, and epiglottis.
Does smell affect your taste:
Our sense of smell is responsible for about 80% of what we taste. Without our sense of smell, our sense of taste is limited to only five distinct sensations: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and the newly discovered “umami” or savory sensation. All other flavors that we experience come from the smell.

Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Reading Plus Progress report 30


Reading Plus Progress Report

My name:


What went well today:

See reader

What I found difficult today:

A book about football and A generous Billionaire

What my goal is for next time:

Improving my G rate